發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2008-02-25 [隨拍]冬天裡的花朵 flowers in winter (2687) (0)
2008-02-22 [人像]現在只想愛你 inspired by the movie "heavenly forest" (312) (8)
2008-02-21 [生活]捉迷藏 peekaboo (150) (1)
2008-02-20 [靜物]窗邊的小雛菊 daisies beside the window (246) (2)
2008-02-19 blog好友傑利出書了!「京都岔路」 (129) (0)
2007-10-19 石牆仔內的咖啡香 aroma inside the stone wall (1584) (9)
2007-09-27 就是現在!夏天的尾巴 it's now! summer's tail (697) (10)
2007-09-20 不能說的秘密 A secret can't be told (880) (8)
2007-08-06 阿祖睿起床號 morning call by azure (264) (18)
2007-07-05 沒有測光錶的時候 taking pictures without light meter (1739) (13)
2007-07-01 小男模阿祖睿 Azure the baby model (471) (8)
2007-06-22 八個使用flickr和MyICON的理由 eight reasons to use "flickr" and "MyICON" (138) (2)
2007-06-09 美麗華遊樂園 playgorund in Miramar (545) (9)
2007-05-25 黑白專用濾鏡試用 tyr to use the filter for B&W photography (4993) (8)
2007-05-19 運動風 athletic style (325) (13)
2007-05-10 [法國 France]美好的一週 a good week (302) (15)
2007-05-01 陰天的日月潭 cloudy sun-moon lake (318) (17)
2007-04-25 家庭生活人像 family portraits (407) (23)
2007-04-05 阿祖睿賞櫻 azure enjoy the cherry blossoms (156) (15)
2007-04-01 帶"哈蘇相機"出走 go out with hasselblad (6123) (19)
2007-03-27 用隨身相機拍電影(二) try movie films by compact camera (2) (522) (19)
2007-03-22 挑一個自己喜愛的顏色 pick up one of your favorite colors (65) (5)
2007-03-21 用隨身相機拍電影(一) try movie films by compact camera (1) (554) (5)
2007-03-19 阿祖睿咯咯笑 azure's chuckle (74) (9)
2007-03-13 阿祖睿的第一部車 azure's first "vehicle" (174) (17)
2007-03-08 有趣的部落格小工具--「誰看過我」 interesting widget for blog - "dejavu" (188) (10)
2007-03-03 拍照急不得 take photos without rush (1308) (19)
2007-02-27 過年的拍立得相片 polaroid photos in chinese new year (482) (7)
2007-02-08 另類正方形比例 sqaure format (485) (6)
2007-02-01 louise的生日禮物 louise's birthday present (273) (9)
2007-01-26 妹妹的月光機 my sister's fuji natura camera (434) (5)
2007-01-22 我想住在大湖公園旁邊 Wish I can live beside the Da-hu park (163) (3)
2007-01-11 阿祖睿週記(七) 台北夢遊記 Azure's weekly 7 - sleepwalking in taipei (181) (14)
2007-01-04 中研院的小角落 some corners in Sinica (324) (10)
2006-12-22 阿祖睿週記(六) 產房全記錄 Azure's weekly 6 - live in delivery room (288) (8)
2006-12-12 超棒的旅遊隨身相機 "理光GR1s" wonderful compact camera for traveling - RICOH GR1s (3851) (11)
2006-11-30 懷孕的牧羊女孩 the pregnant shepherdess (177) (8)
2006-11-19 張小珩週記 3 Baby's weekly 3 (107) (11)
2006-11-14 張小珩週記 2 Baby's weekly 2 (187) (7)
2006-11-14 louise的黑白街拍習作 B&W street photos by louise (125) (6)
2006-11-09 舊底片復活(二)--蔚藍海岸 reviving the old films II - Cote d'Azur (1620) (5)
2006-11-07 舊底片復活--2000年的巴黎 reviving the old films - Paris 2000 (284) (6)
2006-11-04 張小珩週記 Baby's weekly (818) (17)
2006-10-30 張小珩報到 our babe just checked in (92) (31)
2006-10-19 2006 諾貝爾醫學獎 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (534) (6)
2006-10-12 懷孕相片集 pregnant album (749) (15)
2006-09-28 另類攝影 alternative photography (163) (7)
2006-09-25 我家寶貝(六)--作夢也會笑 smile while dreaming (40) (6)
2006-09-16 放輕鬆 Relax (459) (8)
2006-09-12 我家寶貝(五)--三十週的張小珩 Our Babe(5)-the 30th week (68) (6)