目前分類:國外旅遊::outside taiwan (23)

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2013-12-15 [日本旅遊] 最有京都味的地區 Area of Kyoto style (154) (0)
2011-05-25 [法國旅遊] 羅浮宮裡的瑪麗咖啡館 Le Cafe Marly (871) (0)
2011-05-01 [法國旅遊]歌劇院星巴克 Starbucks de L'Opera (602) (0)
2011-04-26 [法國旅遊]法式豔遇 French romance (418) (1)
2011-04-24 [法國旅遊]咖啡館裡 in the cafe (324) (0)
2011-04-23 [法國旅遊]艾菲爾鐵塔 Tour Eiffel (201) (0)
2007-05-10 [法國 France]美好的一週 a good week (302) (15)
2006-07-15 [法國 France]小威尼斯--梭格島 petit Venice - L'isle-sur-la-sorgue (288) (2)
2006-06-09 [法國 France]薰衣草原野 the lavender field (402) (4)
2006-04-18 [希臘 Greece]陸地上的交通 transportation on land (494) (9)
2006-04-17 [希臘 Greece]跳島交通方式 moving between small islands (359) (3)
2006-04-15 [希臘 Greece]旅遊行程規劃 planning the voyage of greece (1114) (10)
2006-04-10 [希臘 Greece]藍與白的交界 boundary between blue and white (284) (5)
2006-03-22 [希臘 Greece]愛琴海島之旅 islands in the Aegean Sea (179) (6)
2005-10-29 [法國 France]環法自由車賽的著名賽道之一--Le Mont Ventoux (237) (0)
2005-09-12 [法國 France]普羅旺斯(Provence)之旅 概略 (857) (0)
2005-08-24 [法國 France]處理旅遊相片是個甜蜜的負荷 (90) (5)
2005-07-31 [法國 France]普羅旺斯的特色點心--calisson(卡利頌) (3521) (17)
2005-07-27 [法國 France]普羅旺斯民宿--La Cigale (646) (0)
2005-07-26 [法國 France]抵達亞維農Avignon TGV車站 (416) (0)
2005-07-26 [法國 France]坐火車去度蜜月--普羅旺斯之旅 (176) (0)
2005-07-23 [法國 France]我們參加的法國式婚禮--Y-Fang and Peter's wedding (162) (0)
2004-04-25 [希臘 Greece]Our website is updated !! -- Friends Voyage in Greece (52) (0)