目前分類:今日的一枚::the one of today (38)

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2013-05-07 [芝加哥生活]芝加哥夏日活動之一::Summer Activities #1 (155) (0)
2013-04-24 [芝加哥生活] 溫暖的小窩::our little nest (137) (0)
2013-04-02 [芝加哥生活] 結冰的密西根湖::Icy Lake Michigan (231) (0)
2013-03-29 [芝加哥生活] 一個小時的保姆::Challenge of one-hour baby sitter (90) (0)
2013-03-27 [芝加哥生活]芝加哥的陽光::Sunshine of Chicago (70) (0)
2013-03-25 [芝加哥生活]等火車進城日子 Waiting for Metra to Chicago downtown (144) (0)
2011-05-07 母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day (214) (0)
2011-01-02 [紀錄]Azure手作餅乾 Azure made cookies (327) (2)
2010-06-23 [隨拍] 辦公室之窗 window of my office (674) (1)
2010-06-03 意外的訪客 unexpected visitor (521) (1)
2010-03-22 [隨拍]動物園日和 a nice day to the zoo (416) (1)
2009-12-08 [趣事]現在為你演奏的是... now playing... (327) (2)
2009-09-07 [紀錄]幸福首映會 The Premiere of Happiness (458) (3)
2009-09-04 [生活]學習的快樂 happiness of learning (268) (0)
2009-08-12 [生活]歡迎Kiki回家 welcome home, Kiki (569) (2)
2009-07-17 [生活]穿上直排輪鞋 little rollerblader (385) (2)
2009-06-12 [生活]阿祖睿長大了 azure is growing up (386) (1)
2009-04-01 [心情]繼續快樂地生活 keep on living happily (579) (1)
2009-03-22 [生活]kiki剃了大光頭 kiki's first haircut (409) (2)
2009-03-17 [生活]想念媽媽 missing mom (423) (2)
2009-01-02 [生活]歡迎Kiki的降臨 Welcome home, kiki (576) (12)
2008-11-11 [生活]「期待」讓生活更有樂趣 "expectation" makes life more delight (547) (3)
2008-10-29 [生活]阿祖睿讀經 Azure is reading buddhist scripture (373) (2)
2008-04-26 [生活]動物園不只是動物園 it's not just a zoo (3079) (2)
2008-04-24 [生活]看電視 watching TV (2918) (3)
2008-04-10 [隨拍]埔心牧場的乳牛 ranch of milk cows (2940) (2)
2008-04-03 [隨拍]廁所裡的自拍 self portrait in toilet (3307) (2)
2008-03-24 [隨拍]綠色腳踏車 a green bicycle (2789) (2)
2008-03-13 [旅行]我們登上了月球 we are on the moon (2819) (0)
2008-03-07 [人像]上海娃兒 shanghai kid (2833) (5)
2008-03-05 [生活]閱讀最快樂 happy reading (2814) (1)
2008-03-03 [隨拍]路上的高跟鞋 high heels on the road (2785) (0)
2008-02-27 [生活]駱駝小隊成軍 members of "camel team" (2938) (2)
2008-02-26 [生活]跳房子 (jumping house) (2768) (0)
2008-02-25 [隨拍]冬天裡的花朵 flowers in winter (2687) (0)
2008-02-22 [人像]現在只想愛你 inspired by the movie "heavenly forest" (315) (8)
2008-02-21 [生活]捉迷藏 peekaboo (152) (1)
2008-02-20 [靜物]窗邊的小雛菊 daisies beside the window (247) (2)