發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2006-09-06 自然光才是王道 natural light is the best (457) (11)
2006-08-31 基隆八斗子[之二] enjoy watching the sea (85) (3)
2006-08-24 基隆八斗子[之一] fishing port of keelung (738) (2)
2006-08-22 web 2.0的抽象概念 abstract concept of web 2.0 (55) (11)
2006-08-07 T3、光影、咖啡館 a colorful cafe on yang-ming-shan (421) (12)
2006-08-03 大哥!我只是個網拍賣家,不是東森購物! buddy! I'm not a businessman! (386) (8)
2006-07-15 [法國 France]小威尼斯--梭格島 petit Venice - L'isle-sur-la-sorgue (288) (2)
2006-07-15 黑白才是流行 black & white is the vogue (214) (4)
2006-07-06 我家寶貝(四)--張小珩也為法國隊加油 our babe(4)- the fetal movement to "go for france" (39) (11)
2006-06-30 青青草原 green grasslands (55) (3)
2006-06-26 我家寶貝(三)--張小珩登上第一座百岳 Our babe(3)-one of the hundred mountains in taiwan (40) (6)
2006-06-25 清境小瑞士花園 little swiss garden in ching jing (310) (4)
2006-06-10 大腦的性別 What Gender Is Your Brain? (133) (4)
2006-06-09 [法國 France]薰衣草原野 the lavender field (402) (4)
2006-06-06 第一個結婚紀念日 le premier anniversaire (119) (16)
2006-06-02 淡水新風貌 New face of Tamsui (134) (4)
2006-05-31 我家寶貝(二)--黃金左腳 Our Babe(2) - the golden feet (92) (9)
2006-05-22 單純色彩 pure color (47) (2)
2006-05-17 第一卷黑白底片與minilux中的最後一卷底片 first B&W film and last film by minilux (134) (3)
2006-05-12 可以信賴的隨身相機 the compact camera you can trust (355) (9)
2006-05-01 我家寶貝(一)--張小珩 Our Babe(1) (583) (17)
2006-04-28 婚禮中的新任務 my new task in laurent's wedding (53) (2)
2006-04-23 不一樣的構圖嘗試 try some different composition (99) (7)
2006-04-20 台北公園系列(一)圓山 park in taipei (1) yuan-shan (116) (2)
2006-04-18 [希臘 Greece]陸地上的交通 transportation on land (509) (9)
2006-04-17 [希臘 Greece]跳島交通方式 moving between small islands (363) (3)
2006-04-15 [希臘 Greece]旅遊行程規劃 planning the voyage of greece (1114) (10)
2006-04-14 夜訪天元宮 evening visiting to the Tien-Yuan temple (74) (4)
2006-04-10 [希臘 Greece]藍與白的交界 boundary between blue and white (284) (5)
2006-03-22 [希臘 Greece]愛琴海島之旅 islands in the Aegean Sea (179) (6)
2006-03-15 善用免費網路空間 free storage on the web (121) (2)
2006-03-05 Louise的最愛--Macaron (Louise's Favorite French Dessert) (79) (15)
2006-02-17 陽明山的早春 early spring in yangmingshan (33) (8)
2006-01-13 施純傑老師的婚禮 the Wedding of Dr. Shih (994) (0)
2006-01-11 台北人氣東西軍(一) -- 西門町 Western Taipei (94) (1)
2005-12-31 2006新年倒數 New Year Count Down @ TAIPEI 101 (12) (11)
2005-12-29 台北小巨蛋溜冰 ice skating @ TAIPEI ARENA (513) (2)
2005-12-21 我家的Leica傻瓜三兄弟 -- 小弟Leica Z2X (3590) (1)
2005-12-19 2005 Starbucks Xmas 隨行卡 (15) (1)
2005-12-14 Cappuccino chez moi (133) (19)
2005-12-12 台北市的內湖區正在興起---美麗華購物中心 (201) (4)
2005-12-07 在寒流到達淡水河口之前 (17) (10)
2005-12-06 竟然錯過了杭菊花季 (30) (7)
2005-12-02 大屯山的秋芒 (55) (0)
2005-11-30 該選擇"勞退新制"還是"離職儲金"? (6495) (5)
2005-11-24 祖師廟前的三峽橋 (149) (0)
2005-11-05 重遊日月潭 (29) (16)
2005-11-01 走上回頭路--戀上RF底片相機 (423) (0)
2005-10-29 [法國 France]環法自由車賽的著名賽道之一--Le Mont Ventoux (237) (0)
2005-10-23 竹東客家老街一日遊 (163) (0)